Twitter: How to See New Tweets First on iOS and Android?

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From the longest time, Twitter has been working on the thing where they can display the popular tweets instead of latest tweets. But finally, twitter give a new update which allows you to choose the option where you can “See New Tweets First“.

Twitter a short time ago carried back the ability for iOS and Android users to see their timeline into seeing the latest tweets first, rather than viewing “the popular tweets” on top.

Here we are going to teach you, How you can switch your timeline setting to get this reverse chronological order.

Step 1:

Just open your Twitter account where you see your timeline.
You can find the little star icon there at upper-right corner.
Tap on that stars icon.

Twitter for iPhone will now let you see the newest tweets first- step 1
Twitter for iPhone will now let you see the newest tweets first- step 1

Step 2:

You can see the new menu open, that giving you the option to “See latest Tweets instead.”

Tap on the “See latest Tweets instead.”

Change this Twitter setting to see tweets chronologically- step-2
Change this Twitter setting to see tweets chronologically- step-2

If you want to switch back to viewing “the popular tweets” first, then you have to repeat step 1 and after you can see there is the option for the “Go back Home.” just tap on it.

Twitter How to See the Latest Tweets First

After done that settings the Twitter app will automatically keep you back to the Home screen feed there you can see “the popular tweets” on the top.

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