Top 4 Reasons Why Video Content Is Essential for Every Business

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There are times when the written word just doesn’t cut it. For instance, if you’re a chef who wants to show viewers how to whip up your signature dish, or you run a restaurant and would like to show potential customers what your space looks like, videos are essential. 

There’s a lot of talk about the importance of video in today’s business landscape, but there are still a lot of people who don’t know exactly why it’s so important. If you’re one of those people and have been on the fence about using video as part of your content marketing strategy, we’re here to help.

Video Tells a Story Better Than Text

Video is a great way to tell a story, and it is more engaging than written content.

Video is also a great way to show people how your product works in action or explain certain concepts that might be confusing for customers in text form. In today’s highly dynamic market, tools like BigVU ( are a one-stop solution for creating and editing videos for your different business needs.

Whether you’re trying to sell a product or explain the concept of your service, a video can help you get your point across by showing what you’re talking about. If you have an audience that doesn’t have time to read long articles and blog posts but would rather watch something on the internet instead, videos are perfect for them.  

It’s also an effective tool for demonstrating services or processes. For example, if you’re running an eCommerce site and want to show how easy it is for customers to return items after purchasing them online (which you should), then including a short video showing this process could make all the difference between getting people through their checkout quickly and giving them pause before making their purchase.

Videos Are Easy to Share

Videos are easy to share on social media.

Videos are also easy to embed on other websites, meaning they can be embedded with just a few clicks of the mouse or taps of your finger. This makes it super convenient for you to add videos to your blog posts and website without having to fiddle around with code or links.  

When people visit your site and see an embedded video there, it gives them more incentive than ever before to watch the video because they know it’s straight from you.

And that’s not all—videos can be shared across all kinds of messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger as well as email platforms like Gmail, Outlook, etc., making them extremely versatile pieces of content that will reach large audiences no matter how many different devices/platforms people use.

Video Supports Purchasing Decisions

Video helps people understand how to use a product. Using video to showcase how your product works can be especially helpful when the use of the product is not intuitive and requires explanation. For example, if you sell exercise equipment for home gyms, showing viewers how the machine works can help them decide whether it’s right for their needs and preferences.

Video helps people understand the benefits of a product. If you’re selling an item that doesn’t offer unique features or benefits over other similar products, then this is another way video could prove useful.

Showing potential customers what makes your brand stand out from competitors will help them make purchasing decisions based on merit rather than price alone—and ultimately result in higher conversion rates overall.

Video Appeals to Mobile Consumers

Video content is popular on mobile devices. Plus, mobile users are more likely to share videos with friends and family than with any other type of content. Even if you don’t have an audience who watches your videos in their entirety, people are still more likely to stay on your website if you have video content available for them to peruse at their leisure.

Video is also more likely than other types of web content—like text-based blogs or podcasts—to be watched in its entirety. As per HubSpot, Facebook users watch more than 100 million hours of video every day, and 85% of the marketing teams that published their videos on Facebook in 2020 said they were successful.  

Final Thoughts 

Video content is a great way to keep your business relevant and in touch with today’s customers. By incorporating it into your marketing strategy, you can take advantage of this powerful medium to boost awareness and generate leads. Keep in mind that video marketing isn’t just about creating more videos; be sure to consider how they fit into the rest of your promotional efforts as well.

Video marketing isn’t just another way for businesses to promote themselves on social media or YouTube; it’s a whole different ball game altogether.

In the future, more and more people will be consuming video content on different channels. As a business owner, the question is how you incorporate this trend into your marketing strategy. This can be tricky because there isn’t one right answer that fits every business. But remember: If you aren’t using video as part of your content strategy, then you’re behind the curve.  

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